#49 What triggers comparison and competition trap in the beauty industry

beauty salon bridal business mentor bridal hair bridal makeup artist hair courses hair education hair makeup education hair salon online courses wedding business coach wedding florist wedding photographer wedding planner wedding stylist Mar 05, 2024
Bridal Wedding Beauty Hair Makeup Salon Business Mentor Coach Strategist

Ever found yourself stuck in the comparison trap? In this heart-to-heart episode, I peel back the layers of my entrepreneurial journey, sharing the raw moments of wrestling with the relentless beast of comparison. 

I share the intimate details how I managed to turn that negativity on its head, discovering a newfound sense of empowerment and inspiration in celebrating the achievements of others.

Trust me, this isn't just about me; it's about YOU. It's a personal journey that I believe will resonate with many, offering a breakthrough for those facing similar challenges, showing you there's a beautiful world beyond comparison's suffocating grip.

Remember, you are worthy, you are unique, and your journey is worthy of celebration.


Kailah x




[00:44] - The Challenge of Comparing Yourself with Competitors
[01:57] - Shift from Triggered to Empowered Perspective
[02:56] - The Destructive Cycle of Comparison
[04:11] - Triggers and Doubts in Comparison
[05:36] - Perception of Work and Expertise
[08:11] - Impact of Success Perception on Thoughts
[09:14] - Shifting to a Lens of Celebration
[11:45] - Aligned Clients and Revenue Milestones in Celebration
[14:27] - Rediscovering the Joy of Celebration
[20:01] - Vibrancy and Limitlessness in Celebration



Send me a DM on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/thekailahlee

🔥 Access my FREE 22 business audio trainings to audit and review your content, marketing and sales processes to make it easy AF for your brides and clients to find you, book you, and pay you so that you can be fully booked in 2024 - say goodbye to gaps in your calendar  https://kailahlee.co/sparked

🔥  Book your complimentary business audit here! https://calendly.com/kailahlee/complimentary-business-audit

🔥 Ready to take your biz to the next level with 12 months and create multiple client pathways and refine your content, marketing, and sales strategies to increase your revenue ASAP in 2024 - hello to refining what you’re already doing and getting bigger results



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