#31 What I am navigating in business right now as we reach our first 7-figures in early 2024
Oct 26, 2023
Get BTS insight into what I am navigating in my businesses, and what challenges I am currently working through as I continue to show up for my vision.
You’ll get access to the questions that I’m asking myself, and how I’m navigating shifts in my business to build more wealth and freedom.
I also share what shifts I am making in the Elegant Edge brand, and our upcoming rebrand in 2024.
What I’m struggling with within my Kailah Lee brand and as a mentor.
I also share something spicy that is happening BTS with my husband and our [shhh] third biz], and how we’re focused on wealth, not money with the shifts we’re making in 2024 that aligns with this.
I spoke about how I have spent the past 10 years in biz playing it small.. And the breakthrough I had early October…
I shared how I am showing up for myself, making big business moves every single day from where I am going NOT where I have come from.
Ready to experience a quantum leap in wealth and freedom? This is my 2024.
If you are ready to get in the room with women who are also making big moves in business - even when there is fear or doubt, you’re invited to join us inside Expansion Mastermind. Your opportunity to get in the room with like-minded powerhouses who ARE building wealth and freedom.
I've just created the most insane opportunity for 3 women in our community!
If you're one of the 3 powerhouses ready to take aligned action and lean fully into your vision over the next 12 months with other powerhouses who are consistently making big moves in business.. I’m so f*cking excited to welcome you into Expansion Mastermind.
DM me on IG if you have a Q lovely, or you're welcome to book your complimentary business audit here: https://calendly.com/kailahlee/complimentary-business-audit
Kailah x
[04:33] - Navigating the Rebrand
[05:44] - Creating Unseen Innovations
[08:34] - Supporting the Industry
[10:27] - Intentional and Strategic Approach
[14:14] - Connecting with Your Vision
[15:49] - The Challenge of Not Attaching
[17:59] - The Difference Between a Job and a Business
[19:11] - The Third Business for Wealth and Freedom
[21:40] - Breaking Through Limitations
[22:46] - Supporting and Empowering My Team
[23:35] - Learning from Mistakes and Building High-Performing Teams
[24:06] - Breaking Through Traditional Business Models
Send me a DM on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/thekailahlee
Stalk my Tik Tok here https://www.tiktok.com/@thekailahlee
Subscribe to my Youtube here https://www.youtube.com/@thekailahlee
🔥 Join my FREE Badass Bridal + Beauty Business Community here and I’ll gift YOU $5k worth of 6-figure business education https://www.facebook.com/groups/bridalbeautybosses
🔥 Ready for high-level Bridal and Beauty Business Strategy and Mentorship?
Rapidly grow your bridal and beauty business Expansion Mastermind here https://www.kailahlee.co/expansion-mastermind
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