#22 How I shifted from $35k years to $35k weeks and months

beauty salon bridal business mentor bridal makeup artist business sales and marketing business strategist hair education hair makeup education hair salon wedding florist wedding planner wedding stylist Aug 29, 2023
Bridal Wedding Beauty Hair Makeup Salon Business Mentor Coach Strategist

Transforming $35k per year into $35k per quarter, then $35k per month, and finally $35k per week... the difference lies in my powerful business strategy and unwavering mindset.

The business strategy encompasses the "what" and the "how" - the actions and steps we take.

But it's the mindset and energetic strategy that truly defines who we are becoming. It's about embracing our potential and amplifying our belief in what is possible.

Here's the reality: I can share the exact same strategy with two individuals. One may achieve nothing due to a lack of action and belief in their own abilities. This is a reflection of doubts and limitations in both business and life

On the other hand, someone with a CEO mindset will achieve outstanding results using the same strategy. Their self-trust and unwavering confidence make all the difference.

This was my personal journey from $35k per year to $35k per week and per month.

Initially, my beliefs limited me. I thought I couldn't increase my prices because I feared losing potential bookings. I thought I couldn't set boundaries around my work hours because I worried about missing out on bookings.

But with a shift in mindset, everything changed. I recognized my own value and expertise, and increased my prices accordingly. I attracted soul-aligned clients who saw and appreciated my worth. Even if an enquiry fell below my booking minimum, I trusted that another opportunity would arise to meet my requirements.

Your mindset has the power to amplify your business strategy and deliver maximum results.

If you're ready to market and sell your services with unshakeable confidence, if you're ready to embrace your CEO mindset and leave your limitations behind, then join me on this empowering journey. Cheers to your success!





[00:10] - Introduction to the Femme Empire methodology and the transformation it brought.

[07:43] - The importance of embodying confidence and value in your business.

[11:00] - Overcoming limiting beliefs and fears around pricing and availability.

[16:30] - Recognizing the scarcity mindset and how it affects business growth.

[21:15] - The role of boundaries in maintaining work-life balance and attracting the right clients.

[25:45] - The power of believing in your value and expertise to attract ideal clients.

[29:20] - Avoiding comparison with competitors and focusing on your brand's unique value.

[34:00] - Consistently increasing prices based on your business's value and expertise.

[38:15] - The difference between the woman you are now and the woman you desire to be for success.

[43:30] - Introduction to the Femme Empire methodology and how it amplifies business strategy results.


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🔥 Join my FREE Badass Bridal + Beauty Business Community here and I’ll gift YOU $5k worth of 6-figure business education https://www.facebook.com/groups/bridalbeautybosses

🔥 Ready to build your legacy, and ignite your mindset and energetic strategy to activate your inner powerhouse, expand into a life of overflow with your first quantum leap in business?


🔥 Ready for high-level Bridal and Beauty Business Strategy and Mentorship? 

Rapidly grow your bridal and beauty business Expansion Mastermind here https://www.kailahlee.co/expansion-mastermind


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